Getting Started

Ready to dive into the world of BTC PixelWar?

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Set Up Your BTC wallet

  • Create a BTC Wallet: If you don't have one, you'll need to create a Bitcoin wallet to play. UniSat is recommended.

  • Deposit BTC: Add some Bitcoin to your wallet. This will be used to purchase pixels and participate in the game.

2. Access the Game

  • Visit the Website: Go to BTC PixelWar's website.

  • Connect Your Wallet: Click on the Wallet icon in the top right corner of the screen to link your BTC wallet with the game.

3. Create Your Artwork

  • Choose Pixels: Select the pixels on the canvas where you'd like to add color, or use the drawing tools or drawing bot to craft your image. Remember, you're engaging in a pixel war, so you have the ability to override any pixel as you strategize and create.

  • Submit Pixels: Satisfied with your masterpiece? Submit it, and follow the on-screen instructions to finalize the purchase with your BTC wallet.

4. Collaborate with Others

  • Join the Community: Engage with other players on the platform and collaborate on shared artwork.

  • Coordinate and Create: Work together with fellow artists to contribute to a collective masterpiece. Share ideas, strategize, and watch your shared vision come to life.

Now you're all set to explore, create, and collaborate in BTC PixelWar. Enjoy the artistic journey, and happy creating!

Last updated